
Comms Hub

Welcome to Moray Council’s communications hub – you’ll find templates, guides and policies relating to the corporate communications team and output here.

It’s important for the council to have consistent messaging, branding and style in all official and corporate communications. This helps the brand to become recognisable and builds on the trusted reputation of council communications.

Communication plays a vital role in everything we do. As we work collectively to deliver the priorities across our Corporate Plan and our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan, meaningful communications will prove a key enabler for engagement, involvement and positive outcomes.

To achieve purposefulness, our communications reflect the Council’s strategic priorities as set out in its corporate plan. We encourage and support services to consider these priorities in their communications planning and delivery, through the provision of professional guidance and tools such as communications planning templates.

The corporate communications team are available to respond to media enquiries and requests; provide comms plan support and implementation; adapt our communications tactics to suit campaigns; and work with services to deliver planned, strategic and accessible campaigns; and create accessible, relevant content for campaigns and pieces of communication. Find out more in Moray Council’s Communication Strategy.

All requests for corporate communications support, templates and requests should be sent to to make sure a response is as swift as possible. We request that comms is involved at as early a stage as possible during any campaign so we can advise on tactics and tools to be using, get our understanding of the campaign, and plan content.For example, to achieve high quality video content a lead in time of at least six weeks is preferable in order to plan, film, edit, approve and schedule content.

Consent for images and videos should be in place before events and the team can assist with advising on the best way to go about this.

Updated logo files are available on the tab in the menu on the left – these are the only council logos that should be used on corporate documents. Placement and the addition of partner logos should follow the branding guidelines.

Staff should use the updated email signature on council correspondence, this has the updated social media buttons included.

Other useful documents and templates are below – these will be added to regularly so check back for updates. If there’s anything you think should be added please get in touch with the team via

Logos (word)                          Communications Strategy (PDF)          Email Signature Template (Word)     Media Protocols (PDF) 

Social Media Access (PDF)          Social Media House Rules (PDF)           Branding Guide (PDF)                  Style Guide (PDF)

Comms Plan Template (PDF)        Comms Consent Form (PDF)             Channel Mapping (PDF)                Video Guide (Word)

Consent Poster A3 (PDF)                 Consent Poster A4 (PDF)                   Consent Poster SRA3 (PDF)

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