
Smarter Working Update

Annexe reinstatement
Work is progressing with reinstating the annexe to look like how it did prior to Covid with the break-out areas re-established and sliding door cupboards put back to line the walkways.

Any staff member can use the break-out tables and couches and the areas should be left clean and tidy, please make sure the volume of discussions are considerate of others working at desks nearby.

Interview rooms 4 and 5 have been re-designated as one-to-one rooms for staff use and there are several quiet rooms and meetings rooms, some that are bookable and some that are not as per existing provisions.

Wifi is available at all designated break out areas, meeting rooms and training rooms.

Hybrid meeting equipment
Early adopters have been trialling cameras and speakers that will facilitate hybrid meetings. This experience has led to procurement of more equipment for some meeting rooms which is currently being installed and will be available by the end of May for use in the following rooms:-

Room No Room type
HQ 236 Small
HQ 301a Small
HQ 200a large
HQ 239 large
Annexe 4 large
Annexe 5 large
Annexe 7 large
Committee room large

Instruction on how to use sessions will be held to demonstrate the kit and answer any queries. These sessions will be advertised on Interchange for anyone to attend.

Manager Engagement Workshops - Phases 2 and 3 – other Elgin and out of Elgin offices
Other Elgin offices and out of Elgin offices in scope are next to take part in engagement will be asked to identify service requirements to embed hybrid working.

Managers should have received invitations to attend one of the workshops, which will provide information on what is planned and what is expected of managers and teams, as well as offering the opportunity to discuss any potential opportunities and challenges.

If you think you should be included and haven’t received your invitation yet please contact HR via

Feedback from Manager Engagement - FAQ
Frequently asked questions have been collated following the first manager engagement sessions and can be found here

Office Etiquette for adoption by all when working in an office has been reviewed and updated is available here.

Principles for office layouts have been reviewed, updated and are here.

There are a wide variety of topics covered and information provided in these documents, but if you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact the smarter working delivery group at

Next Steps:-

Space Allocation
Thank you to all managers who attended the engagement sessions and to everyone for completing their DSE assessments for working at home and working with their managers and teams to determine service requirements. This information has been supplied to the Delivery Group who are using the information to draft a proposal for space allocation for services, to be considered by heads of service in the first instance.

It’s intended that proposals will be discussed with management teams and decision on space will be agreed in early June. 

However, some services have yet to supply their requirements and we would ask them to do so ASAP to prevent any delay overall and to enable their requirements to be taken into consideration.

Full Business Case and report to Full Council
Feedback from early adopters is being used to inform the full business case, which will include provision of the same level of wifi, hybrid meeting equipment and other office equipment as is provided for HQ campus.

Given the financial constraints we’re providing kit that meets functional requirements. The proposed savings and costs to sustainably embed hybrid working will be included in the report.

A key to success will be for colleagues to consider how they currently work and continue to look for opportunities to use the equipment available to work collaboratively and hybridly.

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