
Cyber Scotland Week 27 Feb - 5 March

CyberScotland Week aims to make businesses, organisations and individuals in Scotland more cyber aware and resilient.

Younger or older. From home to business. Whether we need to protect ourselves or our organisation, we all need to be cyber aware and resilient in a growing digital world.

Check out our article in this month's Connect magazine for tips and guidance from our ICT Security Officer, Mike Alexander and visit to see what's on this week to raise awareness!

Don’t forget that to be able to view all files on Interchange you’ll need to register an account – this is so anyone accessing locked documents (those with a padlock next to them on Interchange) can see them from any device. You don’t need to be on the network but you will need to login to view them.

Registration is quick and easy, with a Step by Step Guide available for anyone needing a hand.

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