
Welcome to Your Vote Week 2023

What does democracy mean to you?

Running from Monday 30 January to Sunday 5 February, this week long campaign aims to spark conversations with - and between - young people about politics, democracy and using their right to vote.

Schools and youth groups are marking this year’s theme of ‘our democracy’ by exploring activities which emphasise democracy is for everyone, is taking place all around us, and that there are many ways in which people can make their voices heard.

The Electoral Commission wants to equip young people with the knowledge and understanding they need to create change in their communities. This, it’s hoped, will give them confidence to vote and to understand that their vote matters.

Jack Granitza is one of Moray’s two members of the Scottish Youth Parliament. He said: “I believe that young people have the power to make the biggest influences on the decisions made in Scotland and to ensure that influence is there. It is one of my priorities to make sure young people across Moray have the opportunity to be heard on issues important to them.”

Young people in Scotland can vote in the Scottish Parliamentary and local government elections at the age of 16. You can register to vote at any time, not just during an election, from aged 14 or over. Young people can't vote until they reach voting age but their name is held on the register as an 'attainer'.

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