
Moray Active Schools – #ActiveEveryDay Challenge

The first week of the #ActiveEveryDay challenge is complete and our Active Schools team, alongside members of the community, have successfully undertaken their chosen activity every day.  The challenge is running throughout February, so it’s not too late for you to get involved!

We understand that we all have different responsibilities, availability, strengths and preferences, and so the challenge allows you to determine what you do and when you do it each day.  

By taking part we hope that you’ll notice the many benefits that regular physical activity/exercise has on your physical and mental health and wellbeing.  It will also provide a way for you and your friends, colleagues and family to try something new and have fun!

What does it involve?
Each day during February, you’re asked to do something active - it can last for as long as you like and you can record your activity in a calendar if you want to.  

You can choose to do different activities every day, or complete a month long challenge, such as walking a set distance every day - it’s entirely up to you.

How can I get involved?
If you would like to get involved, you can do so by signing up here.  After registering for the challenge you’ll receive links to activity ideas, an online calendar you can download and complete and some motivational encouragement along the way. 

Be sure to share any pictures of you taking part in the challenge via email or Facebook Messenger. You can also tag us in your posts on social media and use the hashtag #ActiveEveryDay.

Facebook:           @sportinmoray

Twitter:                @sportinmoray  

Instagram:           @morayactiveschools

If you have any queries regarding the challenge or any Active Schools programme, please get in touch with the team by emailing

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