
Volunteers needed

Last month we appealed for volunteers to support our health and social care services – thank you to those who have come forward so far to help with admin tasks as well as direct care.

But the situation is still really challenging and we need more offers of help. We’re asking if you could consider helping to provide much-needed and much-valued care and support services. Any additional hours will be paid at the rate for the job being done. For Social Care Assistant work this is £9.91 per hour.

If you’ve experience in caring for a friend or relative these skills are transferable and your support would be welcomed. There are other ways you can help, too. Below is a summary but more detail is set out at the bottom of this article:

  • Doing pharmacy runs to deliver medication to Moray residents
  • Undertaking admin tasks to relieve pressure on the service
  • Social worker support: listening and talking to residents and reporting any issues to a social worker
  • Care scheduling to coordinate delivery of care
  • Call handling to speak with families and unpaid carers

Opportunities are available for full-time, or to pick up extra hours if you currently work part-time; we’re grateful for all offers. Admin work will be carried out between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, whereas care would be over seven days between 6.45am - 1.30pm, and 4pm to 10.30pm, with flexible shifts within these timeframes.

Training for all roles will be provided. If you would like to discuss any aspect of temporary redeployment into health and social care services, please contact your line manager or HR ( or 01343 563261).

Thank you.

Community welfare and support for families/unpaid carers

  • Communication with families/unpaid carers (identified by social worker)
  • Provide assistance as directed by social work including for example,
    • preparing simple meals
    • helping someone have a drink
    • put on socks
  • Check-in with sheltered housing clients where care at home has been reduced.
  • Discharge support – making sure people have basic provisions in property/heating on/ pastoral checks in days following discharge


  • Administer medication
  • Peg feeding
  • Personal care
  • Med prompts to take medication
  • Meal and drinks prep
  • Shopping
  • Community alarm responders     

Care scheduling

  • Use of Staffplan to co-ordinate and schedule delivery of care to service users
  • Liaise with Care at Home Officer and Social Care Assistants around requirements for delivery of care, availability etc.

Medication runs

  • Collect medication from pharmacies
  • Deliver medication to residents’ homes
  • Record delivery of medication in required documents in residents’ homes


  • General admin
  • Collation and dissemination of information
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Support co-ordination of training / volunteers
  • Data input (timesheets and expenses)

Call handling

  • Communicate with families/unpaid carers
  • Provide information and reassurance

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