
Employee Appreciation Scheme - May 2021

The scheme is now open .To submit messages please use the options and instructions at the bottom of the page.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it has been an extremely challenging time and here at Moray Council we would like to acknowledge and appreciate the scale of effort being made every day by our colleagues to keep services going and bring services back on board.  In the absence of the STAR Awards in 2020 due to Covid 19, we are introducing the Employee Appreciation Scheme to recognise the contribution of individuals and teams during this challenging period.

Employee Appreciation Notice Board 

Moray Libraries Learning Centres Team

A big thank you to the staff of Library Learning Centres based in Elgin Library who have taken on the responsibility of rolling out nearly 200 Chromebooks and iPads to eligible individuals and families in Moray. The Scottish Government’s Connecting Scotland project has meant that many more people can now access essential services and stay connected with friends and family. The staff have coordinated the receipt and delivery of the devices and are now offering support over the phone, via email and virtually. They are always willing to help and their ‘can do’ attitude is a testament to their commitment in overcoming the challenges that supporting individuals in using new technologies can bring.

Message submitted by Anne Owens| Learning Centre Coordinator

Alana is a Pupil Support Assistant in Keith Nursery, and always goes above and beyond to ensure the children have the best learning experiences possible.  Some of the children have severe and complex needs, and her passion to meet their individual needs is seen in the development of the children.  The parents have repeatedly thanked Alana and wanted to do something to recognise the lengths she goes to for their children.
She also has excellent communication with the parents, and really understands their worries and concerns.  Other professionals have also stated the difference that Alana has made to the care and support of the children and families.
Thank you so much Alana, you are such an integral part of the team and an inspiration to us all.

Message submitted by Elaine Sidney| Nursery Manager | St. Thomas and Keith Primary Nursery

I’d like to express my appreciation for the staff in the small, but perfectly formed Rents Admin Team within Housing & Property Services. With over 90 years “office based” Council service between us, we have pulled together and conquered the unimaginable, working from home. Whether it be contributing to or adapting to the constant changing demands, they have coped brilliantly. We have, albeit remotely, supported each other through some extremely trying times (both professional and personal) this last 12 months. Go us!! 

Message submitted by Tracey Scott (Rents Officer, Rents Admin Team, Housing and property services)

I would like to thank the Shared Lives Scheme Workers for all their hard work so far in remobilising the service after it has been paused for almost a year. It is lovely to see the service gradually remobilising and beginning to support people across Moray again.

Thank you. Message submitted by Diane Mcleary (Shared Lives Officer, Health & Social Care Moray)

Submitting a message:

You can submit your information about an individual or team that you believe deserves recognition for the difference they are making, either electronically by emailing  Alternatively, hard copy forms will be available and these can be downloaded from Interchange or accessed through line managers, or you can submit your message or request a form by calling 07815647352 between 9.30am - 12.30pm Mondays and Tuesdays. Outside of these hours please leave an answer phone message.


Please include the following in your message:

  • Individuals name, Department and email address


  • Teams role, Department and email address
  • What Message or quote you would like displayed.
  • If you would like your praise to be anonymous or are you happy for your name and /or role to publish with your message.

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