
Leadership Programme

The Improvement Service have worked with Moray Council to adapt a leadership programme for 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th tier managers. 

Three of the sessions are:

1. 3 Horizons (1 half day)
2. Leading in Complexity (1 half day)
3. Action Learning Sets (4 half days)

In the summer of 2019 the 1st and 2nd tier managers completed these and it is now being rolled out to 3rd tier managers with the hope of completion by this summer. We will then begin the roll out to the 4th tier.

This is a new approach to leadership which the Improvement Service has rolled out across Scottish Councils. Why - because it has been acknowledged that our issues/problems/challenges can’t be fixed easily or in isolation. We need to look beyond our silos, we need to talk to each other without holding back. We need to risk asking questions to learn about the Council as one big system, in an even bigger system, rather than just the part we manage.
We can’t keep doing the same thing and expect our problems to be solved. We must try something new.

Here’s what you can expect:

3 Horizons
Explore present challenges and tensions alongside some possibilities of what the future might look like. We will:
- Explore each horizon
- Consider steps to transformation - Letting go of the old and embracing the new
- Consider reflections and observations

Leading in Complexity
Following on from the Three Horizons Framework session, this workshop will build on the key outputs from the Three Horizons exercise and consider how we can lead collectively across Moray Council.  
- Working in Complexity
- Whole Systems Approach
- Personal leadership, Organisational leadership, System leadership
- Leadership Challenges
- Characteristics of Collective Leadership
- Leading Collectively in Moray Council
- Actions and next steps

Action Learning Sets (ALS)
Action Learning is a widely used learning and development approach that involves working on real problems, focusing on learning and implementing solutions.  It is a form of learning by doing and involves tackling real and current problems by drawing on colleagues’ different perspectives, insights, experience and ideas.  Pioneered by Professor Reg Revans and developed worldwide since the late 1940s, it provides a structured method of accelerating learning that enables people to handle complex issues more effectively.  The process is built on active listening to explore different ways of looking at an issue, and doing so with open minds and empathy, suspending current beliefs and assumptions.   The focus is on taking action.

If you are a 3rd tier manager and haven't received an email inviting you to attend, please email us

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