
Gifts & Hospitality Form

Extract from Employee Code of Conduct (Word):

You may occasionally be placed in a position where you have to decide whether or not to accept offers of gifts or hospitality from organisations or businesses associated with the Council. It is essential that any suggestion of improper influence should be avoided.

The general rule should be to refuse, tactfully, offers of gifts from businesses, organisations, or individuals who are associated with, or wish to be associated with the Council commercially. Gifts should also be refused from organisations or individuals seeking, or at some stage in the near future may be expected to seek, a particular decision or action from the Council. The receipt of repeated gifts or hospitality should be considered carefully.

In certain circumstances, hospitality or gifts not exceeding £30 in value may be accepted. You should seek permission from your line manager before accepting any gift or hospitality exceeding £30 in value.

All offers of gifts and hospitality should be notified to your line manager/supervisor where the value is in excess of £30 and written notification of these must be signed by your relevant Head of Service for recording in a register of gifts and hospitality held within your service Department. This recording mechanism will enable the Council to respond to any queries on such issues.

Gifts and Hospitality Form (Word)

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