
Climate Week 25-31 September


Scotland's Climate Week is held annually to bring individuals, communities and businesses together to show support for tackling the climate emergency.

The new climate change e-module on CLIVE – under the CPD tab – is a great place to begin.

Useful info listed on the climate pages on Interchange covers the council’s role and signposts guidance and links for action you can take at work and at home.

Reducing car travel can have many self-benefits, cycling is a good way to clear your head, walking or wheeling or car sharing with a colleague cuts your fuel bill, as does joining a meeting virtually, where possible, instead. It’s also one of the most important changes that you can make if you want to make a substantial reduction to your carbon footprint. 

Did you know you can use for free the staff pool bikes which are available to book for work travel from the Annex/HQ – including two that are electric?

The council is also signed up to the Liftshare app to help you buddy up with a fellow commuter.

And for the local view on climate change and what it means for us, a 30 minute film,  Moray Firth: Climate Change, by  the Moray Firth Coastal Partnership is on YouTube.  

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