
Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Activities

Two employee engagement activities were held in June by Rhona Gunn (Depute Chief Exec), including a Back to the Floor visit to the Stores facility at Ashgrove and a Service Question Time held in Council Chambers.

Back to the Floor Visit

Rhona met the Stores team (Photo L-R Lee Baker, Garry Mills, Mandy Brown, Debbie MacKenzie) at 7:30am on a warm Friday morning, to learn what jobs she would be participating in during her visit. 

During the morning Rhona received goods and carried out stock monitoring, made up orders and then delivered hand towels and cleaning products to Lossiemouth High School.Rhona said “ The visit was great!  I was really impressed by the sheer diversity of stores items that were managed – everything from 100ml tubes of midge cream to hundreds of gallons of corporate fuel stocks. 

While the team are keen to see some smarter systems introduced like the ability to scan products as they are taken from stores and packed for delivery, current systems are used to maximum effect and the team all kept on their toes filling orders and attending to visitors coming to uplift items and suppliers making deliveries.  On the day I joined the team they were busy filling orders for the summer school deep cleans which need delivered before the end of term. Mop heads and gloves were in very high demand! This is also where the Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) is held for many services and again, the range of items and diligence applied in ensuring allocations are managed efficiently were eye opening. Happily, I was only involved in light duties, but some of the stock items handled are massive so the team move from lifting by hand, to using trolleys and on to forklifts and so the range of work is as wide and varied as the destinations to which they then deliver the stock”.

Rhona followed up on questions asked by the team, investigated and fed back information pertinent to the team.Back to the Floor visits enable Senior Managers to work alongside employees, sharing experiences of day to day front line roles, and showcasing best practices and efficiencies.  If you would like to see a Senior Manager joining your team for a few hours, please contact

Service Question Time

Rhona held the first Service Question Time of the year, looking at the Best Value Action Plan – what are our priorities? 

21 employees from the majority of services participated in the activity, listening to a presentation and giving their ideas on:

  • What the biggest challenges are and how we address these
  • What the biggest opportunities are and how we realise them
  • What do you think you can do personally to help deliver our Best Value priorities?

A lot of information was collected with Rhona taking the groups feedback to a CMT discussion. All of the ideas were considered and feedback was returned to the group participants.

Service Question Time topics follow on from information gained at Leadership Forums with key messages being shared. If you would like to participate in a Service Question Time please advise your Line Manager or contact

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