
Improving Cancer Journey

The Improving Cancer Journey (ICJ) is a new pan Grampian service which aims to provide nonclinical, holistic support to people living with Cancer and their families and carers too. ICJ is a partnership between the three Grampian HSCP’s, NHS Grampian, and Macmillan Cancer Support.

They've launched a survey to gather feedback from people with cancer and/or their families/ carers in the Grampian area to better understand their specific challenges, preferences, and needs regarding support services.

By collecting this information, the ICJ team will be able to tailor its services to address the most pressing issues faced by cancer patients and provide support that aligns with their preferences and circumstances.

To access the survey please click on the link:

For more information on the ICJ partnership and the survey please contact Dimitris Chrysanthakopoulos at

The Grampian ICJ project team are so grateful to each and every person who takes the time to complete the survey.

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