
Smarter Working Update

A. Smarter Working Intranet page
To help provide information on the project we have developed a Smarter Working intranet page which can be found here, or under the “Most Popular” heading on the front page of the Interchange.

This has background on the project, the Strategic Aims and Objectives, the manager workshops and information gathering for teams and services.

The page will develop further with frequently asked questions (FAQ), updated HQ campus operating information, feedback from the manager workshops, guidance and training documents, and the progress of the project.

B. Manager Engagement Workshops
These workshops are taking place and will be completed by the end of March 2023 for those services in the HQ campus.  

Following these workshops managers will engage with teams and individuals to determine what the service requirements are for space, and how the team will work when embedding the hybrid working principles with a view to ensuring good quality services whilst making efficient use of office accommodation and supporting appropriate flexibility for teams and individuals.

This information will be reviewed by the Heads of Service to achieve the agreed target for desks of 50% of total FTE.  The numbers and service requirements will then be passed to the Smarter Working Delivery Group who will review the information gathered and will prepare proposals for use of the space in the HQ campus for consideration.

Feedback received during the workshops is being collated and will be shared in April.

C. Wi-Fi
A briefing paper has been produced to clarify the position regarding Wi-Fi in the HQ campus and is attached here.

Wi-Fi is now available in all currently designated meeting rooms and break out spaces (with effect 13 March 2023).  

D. Hybrid Meeting Equipment
To help improve options for people trials of different pieces of kit are underway including cameras, monitor/screens and speakers to create hybrid meeting rooms.  There will be a further solution for small meeting rooms and large meeting rooms and in addition a higher specification solution available in the committee room.  Further information will follow in the next briefing.

E. Early Adopters
In order to ensure proposals are fit for purpose some teams are adopting the standards for offices and meeting rooms for a trial period, initially until the end of April 2023.  This will provide information on what space requirements are needed to embed hybrid working and the changes in the way services operate following the response to the pandemic.  For example things like using laptops, Microsoft teams, more electronic storage of files and potentially less face to face contact with customers may mean less storage or different types of space is needed.  The purpose is to gather some learning from these teams to help inform the plans.

F. Equipment in rooms
As rooms are populated with kit for implementation of Smarter working, it is essential that all equipment remains where it is set (monitors, cables, chairs, desks, docks etc.).  There have been instances recently of chairs, cables and docking stations being moved without appropriate authorisation.  If anyone identifies a need for equipment these should be actioned through your line manager and it is no longer appropriate to remove kit from rooms in offices.  We will be able to progress more quickly if we have your support with this.

If you have any queries or suggestions of information that would be useful to know, please contact Smarter Working Delivery Group on

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