
Health and Safety Policy Statement


The Council operates a health & safety management system based on a widely accepted model for ensuring we achieve the desired outcomes from our operations safely. The main elements of the system are categorised as PLANNING, DOING, CHECKING and ACTING.


A critical part of the planning process is the Health & Safety Policy Statement which is contained on the following page. This is what clearly defines the intention of the organisation as regards keeping staff, service users, contractors and the public healthy and safe.

The other main part of planning is formalising how the policy outcomes will be achieved in practice. What needs to be done to eliminate or control the risks we face, who will carry out the required actions, how the system will be resourced, what competencies are required and how the system will be assured as adequate all need to be set down.


This is the part of the system that ensures that all risks are being dealt with in a sensible and proportionate manner. It consists mainly of the risk assessment procedures but also deals with implementation issues like prioritisation, communication, preventive and protective measures, procurement of goods and services and maintenance.


This part of the system involves us monitoring the system in different ways to keep a close watch on indicators which tell us about the efficacy of the risk control efforts. The main indicators are active ones, such as formal checks that the risk control measures are being followed and reactive ones such as proper investigation after system failures (i.e.: accidents) to gain an understanding of the causes.


In all the aforementioned monitoring exercises, learning and system improvement is the fundamental purpose. A regular review of performance on a broad range of measures is required. Taking note of what is going on in other organisations is also critical to accelerating the learning process.

A constant loop through the PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT cycle ensures that the system remains effective, and that people feel engaged in system improvement action.


We are a diverse organisation, facing many and varied risks; but we commit to identify them, assess them and then eliminate or control them so that no one suffers injury, ill health or harm and losses are minimised.

We will strive to ensure the health and safety of our clients and service users in the delivery of our services.

We will make sure everyone knows of the part they play in keeping themselves and others safe and healthy.

We will provide and maintain safe and healthy systems of work, working conditions and work equipment.

We will ensure employees receive adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work. We will engage and involve employees and their representatives in actions to stop accidents and prevent any life limiting health effects.


  • A good quality risk assessment will be available for all jobs, activities, projects & plans.
  • Everyone will be clear of the part they play in controlling risks.
  • Ways to eliminate or control the risks will be clearly defined.
  • A sensible and proportionate approach will be taken to the management of risk.
  • Everyone will have opportunities to enable their active participation in the health & safety systems in operation.
  • Quick means of communicating problems or concerns will be available.


  • Safety check systems will be provided for workforce & managers to use.
  • Any deviations from the desired safe state will be analysed and corrections made.
  • Higher risk activities will be subject to regular audit and inspection.
  • Information on monitoring results and improvement actions will be provided through appropriate forums.
  • Systems will be in place to ensure that action is taken promptly to address any defects.

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