

Here you'll find documents, certificates relating to our insurance policies and links to forms.

Certificates and letters

Employers Liability Certificate 2024-25 (PDF)

Motor Certificate D 2024-25 (PDF) Motor Certificate J 2024-25 (PDF)

Public Liability Letter 2024-25 (PDF)

Property Owners Certificate 2024-25 (PDF)


Insurance Guide (PDF)  

Claims Reporting Procedures Guide (PDF)

Private vehicle use on council business

If you use your own car on council business, you must ensure you have business use cover included in your motor policy as any claim arising from such use will be against your motor insurance.

You must therefore advise your motor insurers that your use their vehicle on council business.

Where you are using a car insured in your partner’s name you should be particularly careful to ensure they have cover for business use. Many motor insurance policies, but not all, provide cover for use in connection with the business of the policyholder and his/her spouse. The insurance certificate should make this clear.

If in any doubt please discuss with your insurance company or broker.

Contact Details

For any queries please contact Insurance on 01343 563587or at


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