

Within this procurement section, you'll find access to our systems, information on our corporate contracts, as well as links to guidance and procedures. Use the menu to navigate, and if you have any questions that can't be answered with the information we've provided, you can email us.

Moray Council Procurement Activity Forward Plan 2024-25 (PDF)

Annual Procurement Report 2023/2024 (PDF)

Procurement Strategy 23-26 (PDF)

Procurement Procedures (PDF)

Strategic Procurement Action Plan 2023-24 (PDF)

Requisition system 

Corporate user access and guidance notes (Word) 
Schools user access and guidance notes (Word)

Travel and accommodation booking

Booking eForm and Guidance Notes (DOC)

Purchase cards

Purchasing cards system access


Online codebook - Available here

Latest Newsletter

The Buyers Bulletin - Winter 2024 (PDF) update is available to view

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