
Email Address Auto-Complete Lists (Email Caches)


What are email address Auto-Complete lists?

Outlook saves a list, also known as a cache, containing every email address you’ve previously typed into the “To”, “Cc” and “Bcc” fields, so that it can autocomplete future emails from your cached list.

This means that each time you start to type an email address into the “To”, “Bcc” or “Cc” fields, Outlook will provide a list of matching email addresses for you to select from.

Why you should delete your auto-complete list (email caches) within Outlook

Autocomplete is designed to increase productivity, by reducing the time it takes to fill in the address fields within Outlook, unfortunately however, incorrect email addresses can be suggested and easily selected; resulting in emails being sent to incorrect recipients. This can result in data breaches if emails containing personal data have been sent to an incorrect recipient.

Mistyped email addresses are also saved in your cache, which could lead to a repeat error if your email address cache has not been recently deleted.

How to delete your auto-complete list (email caches)

Please see the new easy, step by step guidance document available on the Records Management page of the interchange here:

Further information:

Information on how to report a personal data breach is available on interchange here:
or by emailing

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