
Water efficiency


Scottish Water is asking local residents and visitors in Moray, the Highlands and Islands to help their local teams maintain supplies and protect the environment by using water efficiently.

Help protect water supplies and use water more efficiently by doing things like:

  • taking shorter showers;
  • turning the tap off when brushing teeth;
  • using washing machines and dishwashers only when fully loaded; and
  • using a watering can instead of a garden hose.

Popular tourist areas across the country, including many rural and island communities, are seeing a resurgence in visitor numbers with the easing of restrictions on domestic travel. The population in some areas can rise significantly above its normal level in the peak tourist season.

The flow in the River Spey remains low and Scottish Water is currently supplementing the borehole supplies at Badentinan in Moray by pumping directly from the river, as well as balancing flows between Badentinan and Glenlatterach water treatment works to make best use of available water resources.

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