
Accessing Opportunities 2021-24


The Community learning & Development Partnership are seeking colleagues help to tell us what life is like for them where they stay, is it easy to get involved in their community, join in groups or classes, get help if needed or do they feel a bit isolated, or have a good idea but are unsure of where to look to for help? We know some people have joined on-line classes but not everyone can do this, they may not have the technology or miss the one to one support and guidance needed. Community Learning & Development covers all ages that’s why we describe it as life-long learning. So within the Council this covers essential skills, library classes, employability, health & social care activity via BALL groups and Men’s Sheds a to youth work support and help via the community support unit e.g. community asset transfers and participatory budgeting projects. The CLD Partnership also includes the College, Skills Development, LEAD and the NHS.

Please can you help us by completing this survey:

The information gathered will help us identify need and target resources for our new CLD Plan. Please share with friends.

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