
Planned ICT Works – Saturday 27th March


Update: The contractor has confirmed that the work will take place from 9am to 1pm on the 27th

This is an important notice to all staff to advise of work taking place on Saturday 27th March which may affect all ICT systems/services.

Property Services in conjunction with ICT will be carrying out important maintenance work on the specialised equipment used to protect the main power supply to the HQ Annexe building, including the council’s main data centre.  The work is a routine annual maintenance inspection to ensure that the power systems are functioning correctly and to identify in advance any elements which could fail.

During this time all ICT systems will remain available, however please note there is a small possibility of disruption to ICT systems during the period that the work is taking place.  We will provide further details of a start time and duration of the work once this is confirmed with the contractor.

If you have any queries regarding this please email or contact the ICT Servicedesk,

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