Changing details

What information can I update?

If you've registered an email address, you can update: 

  • bank details
  • personal details
  • sensitive information eg ethnic origin/religion
  • contact information eg friends and family, next of kin and emergency contact details
  • vehicle details

If I change my name will that appear on my payslip?

Yes. Again,if you’ve registered an email with iTrent, any changes you make will automatically update your HR and payroll records. 

It’s therefore your responsibility to make sure you supply the right details, so there’s no risk of providing false information to HMRC and pensions. This should not be taken lightly, as any changes you make will be applied to your official records.

Will I be sent confirmation of any changes I make?

An automated email will be sent to the email address you've registered, confirming there has been a change eg change of bank details or addition of a postal address.

All notification emails will have as the sender, and we will always email you if there has been a change to your bank details within the system. If you receive an email alerting you of a change of bank details which is not sent from, this communication is not genuine and not from us. You should not respond to the email, and please inform us straight away by emailing

Will my manager see my personal details and any changes I make to my personal details?

In the future there will be an iTrent module called People Manager and this will provide managers with information on their staff team. 

For example, if an employee changes emergency contact details this will be updated onto the system and is available for managers in case they need to contact someone. Not all information held within iTrent about an employee will be available for the manager to view.

IMPORTANT: This feature won't be available from Day 1 - so you should make sure your department and/or line manager has your latest emergency contact details.

Why are you asking for vehicle details?

If you claim mileage, you'll need to complete the vehicle details section (within personal details). We can't process mileage claims without this. You can add multiple cars if necessary.

Why do I have a position called Organisation Start Date?

Due to the way in which information has been transferred between the systems, you will only see your current position with a start date as at the last change made to that position, eg change of position title or hours. You may also see any positions you have had since November 2016. All other employment history has been recognised against the position called Organisation Start Date.