
Staying active

Regular physical activity is an important part of living well. People who lead an active lifestyle are more likely to live longer and less likely to develop serious illnesses and health conditions.

Nowadays people are generally less active day to day. Most of us drive cars or take public transport rather than cycling or walking to work, with fewer of us working in manual jobs. Many then leave work to watch TV, use phones, computers and tablets as entertainment in the evening.

As a result of the Covid 19, the challenge to stay active is greater - some of us will be restricted on what we can do, where we can go and the impact of temporary closures reduces access to facilities. If we are self-isolating or working from home the need to stay active is critical to maintaining our general health and well-being.  Research suggests that regular physical activity can improve your general mood, self-confidence and sleep quality as well as give you more energy and reduce stress levels.

If you are stuck at home and feel well enough remember being active can also include simple things like pushing a lawnmower, painting and decorating or hoovering the stairs.  Download your favourite exercise app or dance with the kids to your favourite songs. Other ways to keep all the family involved can include playing hide and seek, treasure hunts inside or out and if you have a garden get outside with a ball or garden as a family. 

If you are working at home, remember to take regular breaks from the computer – get up and walk about, make a cup of coffee and stretch.

There are recommended physical activity guidelines for your age group which you should aim for as a minimum. Find out more about getting started on the ‘healthy living’ section of the NHS website

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