
Chief Executive's Blog

December 2016

Hello again everyone,

As we approach the end of another challenging year in the full knowledge that the year ahead will be even more challenging, I am pleased to let you know that over the past few weeks a cross-party group of elected members has been preparing the groundwork for the incoming council in May.

The transition board, as it is known, comprises four councillors from the current administration group, four from the SNP group and one from the Labour group.

Its task is to lay the foundations for a plan spanning the period 2017 to 2022 to help smooth the way for the new council following the elections in the spring.

The councillors who take their seats in the chambers in May will be faced with an unprecedented budgetary situation and many daunting challenges and it was felt appropriate by all sides concerned that the transition would be assisted by the creation of a cross-party group working together on a plan setting out a vision for the future on which everyone could agree.

The board has met several times in the past month or so and will continue to do so over the next few months with my support and the support of my CMT colleagues.

A report on the creation of the transition board and its work to date will go before full council next week, with a commitment that the board will do everything possible to provide the incoming council with information, advice and guidance on the key issues which await it.

Earlier this week, I was delighted to take part in the latest STAR awards ceremony in recognition of members of staff whose dedication and selfless efforts have made a significant contribution to the work of the council at all levels and across all services.

The recipients are a credit not only to the council and their particular service, but also to themselves, and I would like to place on record my personal thanks and appreciation for their hard work on the council’s behalf.

As part of the same ceremony no fewer than 73 staff were presented with certificates for 20, 30 and 40 years’ council service. Although not all were able to be present to receive their awards in person, I would again like to congratulate all of them on achieving their long service milestones.

Still on that subject, I also had the pleasure of attending the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service long-service awards in Aberdeen at which several Moray-based members of the service were among those honoured.

And still on that theme, I also met Martyn Emberson, the recently appointed chief inspector for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, during his visit to Moray.

“Internal engagements in my diary have included the first ‘listening meeting’ with supervisors. Similar meetings are already held with managers which have proved very useful and I now look forward to the valuable input which supervisors will provide during these new regular discussion groups.”

The regular monthly meeting of COSLA has taken me to Edinburgh and closer to home I also attended an extremely informative event held by the RAF presentation team at Elgin Town Hall which helped set the role of RAF Lossiemouth in a national and international context for all those who attended.

I was delighted to accept an invitation to the launch of Moray Business Week and in a personal capacity I also attended both the Moray Business Women’s dinner and awards ceremony and the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Elgin war memorial.

The wealth of sporting talent that Moray continues to produce was in evidence at this year’s sportMoray awards ceremony at Elgin Town Hall and again I was delighted to be there to see local sportsmen, women, boys and girls receive recognition for their achievements.

Speaking of achievements, I would also like to add my congratulations to staff in the council’s development services section on their success at the Scottish Government’s Awards for Quality in Planning ceremony for their Creating Places in Moray initiative. The award recognised the work that has been done improving the design standards of developments across Moray.

Finally, I am sure you will be looking forward to a well-earned break over Christmas and New Year, but do spare a thought for those colleagues who will be on duty over the period to ensure that essential services are maintained.

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