Senior Management Team

Richard Anderson, Head of Housing & Property Services


Housing Strategy & Asset Management; Industrial / Commercial lets; Strategic Housing Investment Plan; Homelessness & Allocations; Gypsy / Travellers Encampments; Housing Tenancy & Estate Management; Sheltered Housing; Corporate Property Asset Management; Property Energy Management; Consultancy Design Services – Property; Climate Change; Corporate & Capital Project Management; Building Services DLO;

Responsible for:

Housing & Strategy Development Manager, Property Resources Manager, Design Manager, Building Services Manager, Housing Services Manager, Housing Needs Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec. (Economy, Environment & Finance)

Stephen Cooper, Head of Environmental Services & Commercial Servic


Public Roads Asset Management & Operations; Fleet Procurement & Asset Management; Civil Contingencies / Emergency Response; Transportation & Highway Planning; Traffic Management & Car Parks; Public Transport; Civil Engineering Design; Road Construction Consents; Environment Protection; Harbours; Waste Strategy, Management & Operations; Lands, Parks & Cemeteries; Countryside Amenities & Access; Commercialisation; Janitorial, Building Cleaning & Catering;

Responsible for:

Roads Maintenance Manager, Environmental Protection Manager, 0.91 FTE Consultancy Manager, Transportation Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec. (Economy, Environment & Finance)

Joanna Shirriffs, Head of Education (Resources & Communities)



Estate Strategy; Forward Planning & Capacity (including Rolls & Placing); ICT & Digital Future; Business Support; Workforce Relations & Planning; Financial Planning & Strategy (including Devolved School Management); Transport Strategy; Educational Psychology Services; ASN; Music Instructure Service;


Sports & Leisure; Libraries Services & Culture; Community Learning & Development; Community Support & Engagement; Participatory Budgeting;

Responsible for:Business Support Team Manager, Education Resources Manager, Principal Educational Psychologist, Children’s Support Services Manager / Head of Teacher SEBN, Head of Music Instruction, Service Manager Communities, Principal Librarian,  ICT Technologists (x 2), Community Support Unit

Reports to:

Depute Chief Executive. Education, Communities & Organisational Development

, Community Planning and Development Manager


Chief Executive's Office


The management and development of the operation of community engagement, liaison and support to community organisations (e.g. Forums, Community Councils, MFCHA.), the management of our Community Support Unit which provides community capacity building and support to the community. The post holder is the lead officer for the Community Engagement group of the Community Planning Partnership. The post also involves the creation and development of a range of strategies and policies such as employability and social inclusion for the Council and Community Planning Partnership, involvement in the Community Asset Transfer process and support to TSI and the third sector.

Responsible for:

Community Support Unit

Reports to:

Chief Executive

Jim Grant, Head of Economic Growth & Development


Economic Development & Regeneration; Employability / Employment Tourism; Social Enterprise / third Sector Development; Structure / Local Development Plan; Planning; Development Quality & Control; Conservation; Building Standards; Environmental Health; Trading Standards; Community Safety / Anti-Social; Behaviour; Related Regulatory Services;

Responsible for:

Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager, Development Man. & Building Standards Manager, Economic Growth & Regeneration Manager, Strategic Planning & Delivery Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec.(Economy, Environment & Finance)

, Head of Lifelong Learning, Culture & Sport


Management of Educational Resource Services, School Estate, Buildings and Property, Sport and Leisure, Sports Development, Libraries and Museums, Essential Skills and ESOL, Records Management, Social Work Training, Budget Management, Customer Care, Policy Formation/Strategic Planning, Liaison with other departments/agencies. Senior Management Team.

Responsible for:

Education Resource Manager, Social Work Training Team Manager, Principal Librarian, Senior Education Adviser.

Reports to:

Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)

, Acting Head of Integrated Children's Services


Responsible for the planning, development, design and delivery of social work children and families, education additional support needs and criminal justice services. Providing leadership and overall management of the services while working in close collaboration with partner agencies. Social work children's services include child protection, youth justice, fostering and adoption, young people leaving care and working within the children's hearing system. Education additional support needs includes support for schools, outreach and central support for pupils, educational psychology and educational provision at Beechbrae Education Centre and Pinefield PARC.

Responsible for:

Social work, criminal justice, children and families, education Additional Support Needs.

Reports to:

Corporate Director (Education & Social Care)

Alasdair McEachan, Head of Governance, Strategy & Performance



Legal Services; Civic Services & Members Support; Licensing; Committee & Democratic Services; Internal Audit & Fraud; Risk Management & Business Continuity; Equalities; Information Management (Freedom of Information & Data Protection); Corporate Complaints; Records Management;

Strategy & Performance

Community Planning; Corporate Planning; Local Outcome Improvement Plan; Research & Development; Performance Management & Improvement;

Customer Services

Customer Contact Centre; Revenues & Benefits; Print Room (including Corporate Stationery);

Responsible for:

Customer Service Manager, Legal Services Manager (Prop. & Contracts), Internal Audit Manager, Democratic Services Manager, Strategy & Performance Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Executive. Education, Communities & Organisational Development

, Business Support Team Manager


Education & Social Care

Remit:Staffing matters: McCrone; job- sizing; NQT's (Newly Qualified Teachers); additional support staff; advice on conditions of service; staffing formulae and staffing allocations; excess staffing and compulsory transfers; special leave requests; voluntary early retirement requests; ill-health issues; discipline and grievance investigation and processing; school placing requests; school capacities; pre-school staffing; by-law for employment of children.

Responsible for:

Business Support Administration Manager

Reports to:

Corporate Director (Education & Social Care)

Lorraine Paisey, Head of Financial Services


Strategic Finance; All directorates Finance & Accountancy; Budgeting; Special Project Finance; Statutory / Group Accounts; Creditors; Council Tax Setting; Insurance; Treasury Management; Banking Services; Debt Recovery; Common Good; Procurement Strategy; Corporate Procurement; Community Asset Transfers Co-ordination;

Responsible for:

Payments Manager, Principal Accountant (x 2)

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec. (Economy, Environment & Finance)