Economy, Environmental and Finance

Rhona Gunn, Depute Chief Exec (Economy, Environment & Finance)
Rhona Gunn New

Rhona Gunn, Depute Chief Exec (Economy, Environment & Finance)


• Housing Services
• Corporate Property Services
• Property Design & Construction Services
• Building Services DLO
• Economic Development
• Planning
• Social Enterprise / Third Sector Development
• Development Control
• Related Regulatory Services
• Resilience / Civil Contingencies
• Transportation
• Civil Engineering Consultancy
• Fleet Management
• Waste Management
• Harbours
• Flood Alleviation & Coastal Protection
• Lands, Parks & Cemeteries
• Facilities Management - Janitorial & Building Cleaning Services
• Community Safety / Anti Social Behaviour
• Commercialisation
• Corporate Finance & Budgeting
• Procurement
• Environmental Health
• Trading Standards
• Taxation
• Catering Services
• Corporate Transformation & Modernisation

Responsible for:

Head of Housing & Property Services, Head of Economic Growth & Development, Head of Environmental Services & Commercial Services,Chief Financial Officer (S95 Officer)

Reports to:

Chief Executive

Beverly Smith, Head of Economic Growth & Development


• Economic Development & Regeneration
• Employability / Employment Tourism
• Social Enterprise / Third Sector Development
• Structure / Local Development Plan
• Planning
• Development Quality & Control
• Conservation
• Building Standards
• Environment Health
• Trading Standards
• Community Safety / Anti-Social Behaviour
• Related Regulatory Services
• Climate Change
• GIS/Street Naming & Numbering

Responsible for:

Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager, Development Man. & Building Standards Manager, Economic Growth & Regeneration Manager, Strategic Planning & Delivery Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec.(Economy, Environment & Finance)


Karen Sievewright, Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager 

Remit: Food safety; health and safety at work; public health (including infectious disease investigation; smoking ban in certain enclosed public spaces and water supplies); housing standards; licensing of houses in multiple occupation; animal health and welfare; pest control; dog warden; contaminated land; environmental protection (including statutory nuisance noise control and air quality); abandoned vehicles; street traders; licensing and arranging funerals under the National Assistance Act 1948; community safety/anti-social behaviour.


Kirsty Conti, Economic Growth & Regeneration Manager

Remit: Business Gateway; external funding; regeneration; economic growth; museums service.


Gary Templeton, Strategic Planning & Delivery Manager

Remit: Local Development Plan and delivery of projects. Master planning and strategic infrastructure planning. Developer Obligations. Housing and employment land development. Natural and built heritage conservation. Delivery of Moray Growth Deal projects.


Beverly Smith, Development Management & Building Standards Manager 

Remit: Development Management – Determine applications for planning permissions, listed building consent, conservation area consent, advertisement consent, high hedges and all other related consents including S.36 consultations from the Energy Consent Unit. Planning enforcement and condition monitoring. Statutory and non-statutory pre-application advice and requests for non-material variations advice. Appointed Officer in terms of the Delegation Scheme.

Building Standards - Protecting the public interest by providing an independent check of applications for building warrants, completion certificates and letters of comfort; enforcement of the Building (Scotland) of 2003; secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in or about buildings and of others who may be affected or buildings or matters connected with buildings; further the conservation of fuel and power; further the achievement of sustainable development.


Kevin Belton, Systems Manager 

Nicola Moss, Head of Environmental & Commercial Services

Remit:• Public Roads Asset Management & Operations
• Fleet Procurement & Asset Management
• Civil Contingencies / Emergency Response
• Transportation (Transport Development, Sustainable Travel and Road Safety)
• Traffic Management & Car Parks
• Public Transport
• Civil Engineering Design
• Road Construction Consents
• Marina Services, Harbours & Dredger
• Waste Management & Operations
• Open Spaces Management & Cemeteries
• Countryside Amenities & Access
• Catering Services
• Commercialisation
• Facilities Management - Janitorial, Building Cleaning
• Winter Maintenance
• Flood Alleviation & Coastal Protection

Responsible for:

Roads Maintenance Manager, Environmental Protection Manager, 0.91 FTE Consultancy Manager, Transportation Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec. (Economy, Environment & Finance)


Mark Atherton, Roads Maintenance Manager

Remit: Fleet Services, Local Stores, Management & maintenance of local authority public roads, including winter maintenance and street lighting, Provision of emergency response, e.g. flooding


Paul Wolverson, Service Manager (Waste, Open Spaces, Catering & Facilities) 

Remit: Waste Management & Operations; Lands, Parks & Cemeteries; Countryside Amenities & Access; Facilities Management – Janitorial & Building Cleaning; Catering services


Debbie Halliday, Consultancy Manager 

Remit: Flood Alleviation & Coastal Protection Maintenance; Major Flood Alleviation Schemes; Harbours Maintenance; Management Systems; Road & Bridge Design & Maintenance; Civil Engineering Design; Project / Contract Management

Kelly Wiltshire, Strategic Transport Services Manager

Remit: Traffic (road signs, lines etc.); public transport; Development control (roads); Harbours; Off-street car parks; Transport Strategy

Edward Thomas , Head of Housing & Property


• Housing Strategy & Asset Management
• Industrial / Commercial lets
• Strategic Housing Investment Plan
• Homelessness & Allocations
• Gypsy / Travellers Encampments
• Housing Tenancy & Estate Management
• Sheltered Housing
• Corporate Property Asset Management
• Property Energy Management
• Consultancy Design Services - Property
• Corporate & Capital Project Management
• Building Services DLO

Responsible for:

Housing & Strategy Development Manager, Property Resources Manager, Design Manager, Building Services Manager, Housing Services Manager, Housing Needs Manager

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec. (Economy, Environment & Finance)



Fiona Geddes, Housing & Strategy Development Manager

Remit: Local Housing Strategy; Provision of New Build Housing; Housing/Homelessness Policies & Procedures; Information and data collection relating to housing activities; Oversight of Housing ICT Systems


Neil Strachan, Property Asset Manager

Remit; Provision of Property Asset Management Services to the Council; Manage Corporate repair budgets; Manage all properties leased out by the Council; Manage HRA Investment Programme; Provide professional valuation services to the Council


Moray McLeod, Design Manager

Remit: The provision of property-related design services and provision of an estates service to the council.


Mike Rollo, Building Services Manager

Remit: Responsibility for Building Services DLO, carrying out response repairs, planned and cyclic maintenance and improvements, gas servicing, disability adaptations etc. to Council housing stock.


David Munro, Housing Services Manager

Remit: Estate management; reducing rent arrears; tenancy management; Gypsy/Travellers; unauthorised encampments; oversight of antisocial behaviour & neighbour disputes.


Gordon McCluskey, Housing Needs Manager

Remit: Allocations and homelessness teams; temporary accommodation and sheltered housing wardens; homelessness strategy development and implementation; performance management of the Housing Needs team and Housing Support team.

Lorraine Paisey, Chief Financial Officer


• Strategic Finance
• All Directorates Finance & Accountancy
• Budgeting
• Special Project Finance
• Statutory/Group Accounts
• Creditors
• Insurance
• Treasury Management
• Banking Services
• Debt Recovery
• Common Good
• Procurement Strategy
• Corporate Procurement and Buying
• Community Asset Transfer Co-ordination
• Council Tax Administration & Collection
• Non-Domestic Rates Administration & Collection

Responsible for:

Payments Manager, Principal Accountant (x 2)

Reports to:

Depute Chief Exec. (Economy, Environment & Finance)


Diane Beattie, Payments Manager

Remit: Management, development and delivery of Payments section; Procurement Strategy; Procurement support; Buying Team; Online Payments; Treasury Management; Banking Services; Insurance; VAT, landfill tax, CIS; Sundry debt recovery


Deborah O'Shea, Principal Accountant

Remit: Shared management, development and delivery of accountancy to the Council and Grampian Valuation Joint Board; Co-ordinate the production of Annual Accounts; Budget Monitoring; Treasury Management; Administer Common Good applications; Financial returns to Scottish Government; Fixed Asset Register; Loans Pool accounting; Support Chief Financial Officer of Moray Integrated Joint Board in partnership with NHS colleagues


James Taylor, Taxation Manager

Remit: Management, development and delivery of taxation service to the Council; Administer, bill and enforce Council Tax collection; Administer, bill and enforce Non Domestic Rates collection; Support Elgin BID and tourism BID