Moray Integration Joint Board (MIJB)

Sean Coady, Interim Chief Officer (MIJB)

Sean Coady, Interim Chief Officer (MIJB)


Overall Responsibility for services delegated by the NHS and Moray Council to Moray Integration Joint Board (MIJB); Social Care Commissioning, Planning & Policy; Community Hospitals; Children & Families Social Work Services (*); Child Protection Services (*); Looked After Children (*); Children’s Health Services (*); Integrated Adult Health & Social Care Services; Adult Community Mental Health, Support & Protection; Mental Health & Addiction Services; Residential, Homecare & Day Care Services; Criminal Justice Services / Community Justice Authority; Primary Care; Dr Gray's Hospital;  Clinical & Professional Services; IJB Finance & Performance; Asylum Seekers & Refugees; Corporate Transformation & Modernisation;

(* future structure for Children’s Services. Head of ICS reports to CE meantime)


Sean Coady Depute Chief Officer (June 2024) 

Responsible for:

Chief Financial Officer / Head of Performance, Head of Services (x2), Head of Transformation, Head of ICS(SW), Hospital Manager, Clinical & Professional Leadership

Reports to:

Chief Executive