Education, Communities and Organisational Dev
Denise Whitworth, Depute Chief Exec (ECOD)
Secondary Schools; Primary Schools; SEN Schools; Early Years Establishments; Curriculum Development & Attainment; Community Learning & Development; Lifelong Learning; Sports & Leisure; Libraries & Culture; Legal Services & Democratic Services; Customer Services; Internal Audit; Community Planning & Engagement; Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP); Corporate Policy & Performance; Organisational Development; Human Resources & ICT; Business Systems & Processes; Corporate Communications; Additional Support Needs (ASN); Corporate Transformation & Modernisation (Project Co-ordination);
Responsible for:
Head of Education (Chief Education Officer), Head of Education (Resources & Communities), Head of HR, ICT & Organisational Development, Head of Governance, Strategy & Performance (Monitoring Officer), Chief Officer(School Estate), Head of Transformation, Head of ICS (ASN)
Reports to:
Chief Executive
Education leadership & professional standards; Management of Secondary Schools; Management of Primary Schools; Management of Early Years Establishments; Education Quality & Performance Improvement; GIRFEC Strategic Implementation; Attainment improvement; Curriculum Development; Teaching Staff CPD; Supported Study; Pupil, Parent and Schools Support; Technicians Service; Pupil Health & Wellbeing; Educational Psychology Services; Additional Support Needs (ASN); SEBN, EAL, Sensory Education, Autism Service
Responsible for:
Quality Improvement Manager (East); Quality Improvement Manager (West); Secondary Schools; Primary Schools; Senior Project Manager (Early Years & Childcare Expansion); Early Years Service Manager; Education Officer (Pastoral Care); Principal Educational Psychologist; Head Teacher SEBN;
Reports to:
Depute Chief Executive Education, Communities & Organisational Development
Rachel Wilson, Quality Improvement Manager (West)
Remit: Self-evaluation for self-improvement; Parental engagement and involvement; Education- Primary; Line management of QIOs; Strategic overview of leadership; Strategic overview of supporting all learners; School support and challenge; Senior Leader recruitment; Education Scotland Inspection; Link officer – Elgin Academy ASG
Stewart McLauchlan, Quality Improvement Manager (East)
Remit: • Raising Attainment including Scottish Attainment Challenge, Performance management and information including SQA, SNSA, ACEL and Insight, Education partnerships – including college, SDS, DYW, regional groups, Education – Secondary; Line Management of QIOs; Strategic overview of Curriculum; Strategic overview of Learning, Teaching and Assessment; School support and challenge; Senior Leader recruitment; Education Scotland Inspection; Link officer – Buckie ASG
Hazel Sly, Early Years' Service Manager
Remit: Management of Local Authority Nurseries; Commissioning of Partner provider services (nurseries and childminders); Early Years Quality Assurance; Early Years Strategy and Policies; Working in Partnership (Children’s Services Plan); Early Years budget management; Line management for Early Years Officers & Nursery Managers
Audrey Buchanan, Quality Improvement Officer (Curriculum BGE)
Remit: Curriculum, Broad General Education; Transitions to Primary and Secondary; Curriculum pathways and progression; 1+2 including Gaelic Education; Profiling and Reporting; School support and challenge; Link officer Milne’s ASG
Lynne Riddoch, Quality Improvement Officer
Remit: School support; quality improvement; attainment and achievement reviews; HMIE preparation and follow through support; self-evaluation; standards and equality; support for subject groups; support, care and welfare of learners; complaints; HT/DHT appointments; strategic direction of the service.
Susanne Campbell, Quality Improvement Officer (Supporting All Learners)
Remit: Mental Health and Wellbeing; Poverty/cost of the school day; Multi agency partnerships; Child’s planning; GIRFEC lead including named person link; Equality, Diversity and Children’s Rights; School support and challenge; Link Officer Elgin High ASG
Roisin Newell, Quality Improvement Officer (Learning, Teaching & Assessment)
Remit: Pedagogy and practice including play; Planning for learning, teaching and assessment; Assessment and moderation support; Practitioner enquiry and research based practice; Climate change/eco schools; School support and challenge; Link officer Forres ASG
Craig Fowler, Principal Educational Psychologist
Remit: Management of Educational Psychology Service
Jackie Stevenson, Head Teacher SEBN
Remit: Social, Emotional & Behavioral Needs Service; Moray Autism Team (Support to Schools)/Moray Autism (Enhanced Provision); English as an Additional language Team; Sensory Services Team
Diane Douglas, Quality Improvement Officer, Additional Support Needs, QIO ASN
Remit: Support ASN delivery across all schools and Early Learning and Childcare
Schools: Estate Strategy; Forward Planning & Capacity (including rolls & placing); ICT & Digital Future; Business Support; Workforce Relations & Planning; Financial Planning & Strategy (including Devolved School Management); Music Instruction Service.
Communities: Sports & Leisure; Library and Heritage Services; Community Learning & Development; Community Support & Engagement; Participatory Budgeting, Records Management
Responsible for:
Business Support Team Manager; Education Resources Manager; Head of Music Instruction; Principal Librarian, Communities Services Manager and Senior Project Manager (Learning Estate)
Reports to:
Depute Chief Exec Education, Communities & Orginisational Development
Lindsey Stanley, Business Support Team Manager
Remit: Staffing Matters for all Primary and Secondary Schools including absence management, resignations and retirements, adverts and appointments, compulsory transfers, career breaks, supply teachers and disciplinary investigations; Newly qualified teachers annual allocation; school capacities; School roll projections; Reserved spaces and placing requests; Joint Secretary of LNCT and job sizing co-ordinator; Services Liaison Officer for Education with RAF Lossiemouth and 39 Engineers Kinloss; Manager of the Business Support Team;
Kim Slater, Sport & Culture Service Manager
Remit: Sport & Leisure, Active Schools & Community Sport, Music Instruction; Performance and Libraries, Learning Centres and Heritage
Kevin McDermott, Communities Service Manager
Remit: Adult & Family Learning; Youth Work; Outdoor Learning; Duke of Edinburgh Scheme; Essential Skills; ESOL; Participatory Budgeting; Community Support & Engagement; Community Asset Transfer (CAT);
Andy Hall, Programme Manager (Learning Estate)
Remit: Development and management of Learning Estate Strategy and delivery of improvement programme; Learning estates review; Project management for new build and school refurbishments; Schools capacity planning; Learning estate public engagement and consultations; Management of PPI and DBFM school contracts; Education lead for asset management planning; School H&S, security and accessibility planning;
Legal Services; Civic Services & Members Support; Licensing; Committee & Democratic Services; Internal Audit & Fraud; Risk Management & Business Continuity; Equalities; Information Management (Freedom of Information & Data Protection); Corporate Complaints; Records Management;
Strategy & Performance
Community Planning; Corporate Planning; Local Outcome Improvement Plan; Research & Development; Performance Management & Improvement;
Customer Services
Customer Contact Centre; Revenues & Benefits; Print Room (including Corporate Stationery);
Responsible for:
Customer Service Manager, Legal Services Manager (Prop. & Contracts), Internal Audit Manager, Democratic Services Manager, Strategy & Performance Manager
Reports to:
Depute Chief Executive. Education, Communities & Organisational Development
Andy Donegan, Customer Services Development Manager
Remit: Responsible for development and operation of the Contact Centre; Access Points; mail handling.
Aileen Scott, Legal Services Manager
Remit:• Property & Contracts; Legal advice to Council, Committees, Members & Officers; Comprehensive commercial & conveyancing service; Environmental Health & Contaminated Land advice; Education Law; Housing Law; Human Rights & Equalities Law; Data Protection & Freedom; Regulation of Investigatory Powers
Dafydd Lewis, Audit & Risk Manager
Remit: • Management, development & delivery of internal audit services; Meeting Corporate Governance Objectives; Risk Management & Internal Control; Performance Review Committee; Co-ordinating participation in the National Fraud Initiative; Business Continuity
Tracey Sutherland, Democratic Services Manager
Remit: Brief, advise and support Chair and Committee members; organisation and management of matters relating to management of council business; enable the committee to function effectively in accordance with the rules laid down in standing orders; to manage and oversee the Moray Registration Service; to undertake the administration of and act as Depute Returning Officer at all parliamentary, referendum, local government, European, community council and school board elections.
Norma Matheson, Benefits & Money Advice Manager
Remit: Benefits & Money Advice; Council Tax Reduction; Discretionary Housing Payments; Educational Maintenance Allowance; Flexible Food Fund; Free School Meals; Housing Benefit; Income Maximisation; Money Advice; School Clothing Grants; Scottish Welfare Fund; Welfare Benefits Appeals
Organisational Development; Human Resources Policy, Strategy & Practice; Employee Relations; Trade Unions Negotiations & Liaison; Workforce Planning & Culture; Succession Planning; Talent Development; Corporate Training; Corporate Health & Safety; Payroll; Corporate ICT Infrastructure; ICT Service Desk; Corporate Information Systems; Business Systems & Processes; Employee Communications; Corporate Communications / Media Management;
Responsible for:Human Resources Manager, Organisational Development Manager, ICT Infrastructure Manager, ICT Application Manager, Communications, Payroll
Reports to:
Depute Chief Executive. Education, Communities & Organisational Development
Katrina McGillivray, Organisational Development Manager
Remit: strategic workforce planning; leadership development; organisation development advice; professional training and certification; support for the ongoing development of the Council's workforce; to lead the culture and engagement work; comprehensive communications service
Grant Cruickshank, Human Resources Manager
Remit: To provide and supervise a comprehensive personnel support and advisory service, including the development and implementation of local conditions of service, policies and good practice; To contribute to our forward planning processes specifically in relation to staffing implications; To contribute to and lead consultations with staff and trade unions on employment related matter and relevant organizational change situations;
Graham Cooper, ICT Infrastructure Manager
Remit: Management, development and support of the ICT Infrastructure for all Council services; Specific responsibility for the ICT Servicedesk, desktop, network and server teams;
Chris Leonard, ICT Information Systems Manager
Remit: Management of the corporate Information and Communications Technology applications team to develop, support and advise on the use of application systems within the council ensuring the business applications and website meet our operational needs and those of service users.