
Carers Rights Day


Moray Council is a Carer Positive Employer

Moray Council is part of a growing number of organisations across Scotland that are proud to call themselves “Carer Positive” Employers. With as many as 1 in 8 of the workforce estimated to be juggling work with caring responsibilities, we are committed to recognising and supporting employees who are carers.

Are you a carer?

You're probably a carer if:

  • You care for and/or support someone - you do things like help someone wash, dress and eat, you take them to regular appointments, do their shopping or keep them company. The person could be a family member, neighbour or a friend.
  • It is not your job - you don't do this under a contract or as part of voluntary work
  • If you look after a child - if you are caring for a child for some reason other than their age, for example, because they are disabled, then you are a carer.

You don't have to be living with the person you're caring for and you don't have to be caring for them for any particular amount of time.

You may also be a carer if you are going to care for someone in the future. For example, someone who was previously healthy may need some care when they get out of hospital and you may have agreed to look after them then.

You may be a carer even though the amount of care or support you give changes over time. For example, you might care for someone who has a mental health condition and whose health varies. They may not need any help when they are well but you may have agreed to help if and when their health worsens.

Unpaid Carers – Know your rights

If you are juggling work with your caring responsibilities, you have the right to request flexible working. Carers UK has a range of information on what your rights are and how to make the request with your employer. Visit the Carers UK website for more information.

If you look after an older or disabled person, the law - under the Equality Act 2010 – protects you against direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring responsibilities.

If you provide unpaid care, you can ask your GP practice to identify you as a carer on your patient record and might be called forward for priority vaccines or other public health campaigns.

It’s essential to find ways to look after your health and wellbeing and one way is to exercise your right to request a free flu jab. If you are the main carer for an older or disabled person, who may be put at risk if you became ill, or if you are in receipt of Carer’s Allowance, you should be offered a free flu jab. Speak to your GP or local pharmacist or see Carers UK website. Carers are also a priority group for accessing Covid booster jabs this winter.

If you are a carer and the person you care for is being discharged from hospital, the hospital must identify and consult with you, where possible. Carers UK has produced handy fact sheets for carers in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Many carers find it easier to continue in their caring role if they can get some assistance. Unpaid carers have a right to an adult carer support plan or young carer statement to identify their needs and personal outcomes.

There is a requirement for local authorities to have an information and advice service for carers which provides information and advice on, amongst other things, emergency and future care planning, advocacy, income maximisation and carers’ rights. If you are an unpaid carer in Moray and would like to talk to someone who can offer support and advice, Quarriers Carer Support Service in Elgin are available take your call Tel: 01343 556031. Or email:

Download the Carers Charter, which tells you all about the rights of carers under the Act.

Find out more about your rights as an unpaid carer from Carers UK – “today, tomorrow and in the future”:

To read about our vision for unpaid carers in Moray you can access Moray Carers Strategy - 2023-2026 “Recognised, Valued, Supported” - Health & Social Care Moray’s approach to improving outcomes for adult and young carers, by following this link:

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