
Household Enquiry Form - Response Required


Have you received your Household Enquiry Form? If you have, please consider responding online, by text or phone. It's quick and simple for you, and it's also the cheapest method for the Grampian Valuation Joint Board to administer. 

More info at

The Register of Electors contains details of everyone who is registered to vote. It is used to determine who can vote at elections. During the period of 2 August to 30 November households will receive a household enquiry form that sets out who is currently registered and invites a householder to update the information. 

Households must respond to these forms as failure to do so may result in a £1,000 fine. The law requires Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) to issue these forms annually and follow up all non-returns with two reminders and a visit to the property concerned.


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