
Xerox printers & copiers - Schools Contract


Scheduled Equitrac Software Upgrade

Equitrac is the print management software used for Council Xerox printers and copiers.  The software provides users with secure mobile print while controlling costs and simplifying administration.  For Council ICT services, it enables single sign-on access to all devices and services.

To support new Xerox devices, a software upgrade is required and this has been scheduled for All printers and copiers on the Schools contract.

The upgrade will be taking place on THURSDAY 4TH JANUARY from 1.00pm. 

Xerox printers and copiers will be unavailable during the upgrade.

The upgrade requires input from ICT and Xerox therefore timings have had to be arranged to suit both and to coincide with the schools Christmas holiday period to keep disruption to a minimum.  Please make a diary note and prepare in advance with copying / printing requirements during this period.  

Apologies for inconvenience this may cause.

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