
Moray Schools – Automated Windows Update System


Please be aware that, from Monday 5th June 2017 onwards, the automated Windows Update system will be re-enabled for all schools PCs – this system has been temporarily suspended for the duration of the exam timetable.

There is a possibility that reinstating this service may have an adverse impact upon system performance.  New updates are frequently released by Microsoft, and the likelihood is that most PCs will need at least a few updates, whilst some PCs may require more.  Although the system has been configured so that PCs will not restart without user authorisation, downloading of updates can take place ‘in the background’ at any time, and can contribute to network congestion.  Updates are scheduled for installation at 13:00 daily, so please leave machines powered on during this period, wherever possible.

Although this may cause some short-term inconvenience, it is essential that all appropriate Microsoft ‘security and critical’ updates are applied to PCs in a timely fashion, so as to mitigate the risks of ransomware-style attacks.  The impact that such an attack can have on vulnerable infrastructure was amply demonstrated during the significant outage suffered by the NHS recently.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact the ICT Servicedesk via the online form.

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