How Do I - Report Faults or Damage
Report something that’s broken or faulty (non-ICT)?
If something is broken, damaged or faulty within the HQ campus, this should be reported to facilities using the HQ campus eform below. If it is of an emergency nature call the facilities office on 01343 563992 immediately. For reporting things outwith HQ campus use the other eform below.
Report a fault to facilities within HQ campus Report a fault to facilities outwith the HQ campus
NB for non-HQ repairs: Problems of an emergency nature (requiring a contractor on site within 4 hours) should be logged by phone to 01343 563700.
Report a fault with a computer or software?
All ICT Servicedesk calls should be raised using our new Self Service portal.
The portal will allow you to raise your calls efficiently, check your progress, add notes and attachments and receive information on call closures.
If you are unable to log onto your own PC you can also log onto your portal account from a colleague's PC.
All calls within Primary Schools are to be raised by the School Admin and High Schools by the School Technicians.
Select the button below to access the Self Service portal.